Danny in action at Lincon Speedway
Name: Danny Dietrich III
Birthdate: May 21st, 1988
Hometown: Aspers, Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Steady Girlfriend
Occupation: I'm still in school, so I work for my dad at (R.U.P.W.) after school.
How did you choose your car number? Well I wanted to keep the #8 going in
the family and it had to be something other than 8 or 8D b/c of Dad and Bill
so I thought about the #88 and there have been a lot good people in racing
with the number 88 so I decided to go with it.
Chassis: I ran Gambler this year and that will be what I will be running next year.
Engine Builder: Dan Dietrich
Crew: Shawn Kessel, Bill Perry, & Jacob Hinkle.
Sponsors: R.U.P.W., Shellehammer Hay & Straw, Mortz Machine&Repair, J&S
Concrete, Kendall Motor Oil, Powder Plus, Hoosier Tire, Castle Products,
Lawson Products, Helium Plus, King Components, & Delco Signs.
Favorite Track: I'd have to say that I like racing at Lincoln Speedway. I
like it a lot because it's a racy track it is always in good condition.
Divisions competed in: 358ci Sprint Cars
Years Racing: 3, First Full Season
Wins: 1 this year at Trailways Speedway
Championships: None but I'm workin' on that.
Regular Tracks/Series: Trailways & Lincoln on regular basis and every now
and then a view other tracks.
Hobbies: Racing, being with girlfriend, oh and more racing
Favorite TV show: Everybody Loves Raymond
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Band: Toby Keith
Favorite Food: Baby-Back-Ribs
Favorite Beverage: Root Beer
Favorite Restaurant: DAMONS
Favorite Driver: Dale Earnhardt Sr. #3
When and how did you get started in racing?
I got started 3 years ago and I
started running 305's a little bit.
As soon as I turned 14 my dad let me build a car.
Who had the biggest impact on your racing career and why?
My dad because he
has taught me a lot, and I'm still learning from him. (I still have a lot to
What would you be doing if you weren't racing?
If I wasn't racing I'd be
playing Football and spending time with my
Girlfriend. I'd still be going to the races, but not as much.
What is your favorite aspect of racing? I don't have really have an aspect.
It's just plain addictive. Seems like no matter
how fustrated you get you still do it. It's in my blood I guess
What is your greatest accomplishment/best memory?
Getting my first win at
Trailways, that was great. That and setting 4th quick time at the Lincoln was great
for my rookie year there. That was like a win for me!
What is the worst thing that has happened to you in racing, or your worst
This season should have been better, I had too many rookie mistakes.
That and the fact that I could have finished 2nd in points at Trailways
Speedway but flipped the last race of the year pretty hard.
In your own words, describe your 2004 season:
Good, but need to get better
all because it cost me a race or 2.
Where do you see Sprint Car racing 5 years from now?
Hopefully racing 410
locally around here, but I'd have no problem traveling. I just wish I
could find someone willing to put me in their car for next year(2005). If
someone offered me a ride and it was an "ok" ride I'd prolly take them up on